Saturday, March 1, 2014

February trades

February ended up being a busy month (for me) tradewise.  Had two trades I set up earlier get delayed due to weather and another small one for a rather tasty sounding Hill Farmstead beer.  Without further ado...


Tired Hands Brassneck growler, Goose Island Bourbon County Barleywine x4, Three Floyds Zombie Dust x2*


DC Brau The Corruption x2*, Goose Island BCBS*, Bells Hopslam*, Terrapin Wake n Bake*, Troegs Nugget Nectar x2*, Avery Uncle Jacobs*, DuClaw Retribution*, Aleworks Cafe Royale*, Hardywood BB Sidamo*, Hardywood Sidamo Coffee Stout*, Hardywood Gingerbread Stout x2

This guy fucking killed it.  Yeah, the trade was just for 2 bottles!  I owe him big time...


Hill Farmstead Daybreak, NEBCO Sea Hag x2*

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

In Person trade

When I found out that Maine would not get Bourbon County Barleywine, I put out an ISO. The other variants would also skip Maine, but I was mostly interested in the barleywine.

Set up a trade with commis and after talking a bit, it turned out that he would be making a trip to Portland. Met up at Novare for exchange. Pretty cool to finally put a face to a name when trading. Didn't take a picture, but the full haul was Bourbon County Barleywine x4, Bourbon County Backyard Rye, Wormtown Be Hoppy (extra) and Jacks Abby Mass Rising (extra)